Rodion Petroff
J. Stacevičiaus / LRT nuotr.
Blend paintings
The artist considers the architecture depicted in his paintings as a cultural, historical code and as a constant in the context of time. The artist uses a different building detales connecting into a kaleidoscopic image as reality which can be expanded upon in terms of meaning by the viewer, asks the question of the identity and globalization of our time. In some paintings you can clearly see the specific metaphorical sense where the dinamic scenery interrelates with the scenes of intense movement and which constitutes the theme as a whole. Blend paintings it‘s a reference to a memory of our visual experience and sawn views from the past which is on the forgotten edge. Recognizable urban landscapes as well as the normal social action of the figures in the scenes creates the illusion of daily routines. His architectural landscapes are a key to the past dressed in a historical code. The city is an artificial system created by a humans taking different shapes and forms in different times.